Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
Master Manipul8er
Even death can 8e kind and offer second chances.
Aranea Serket
Once a young, relatively peaceful girl with delusions of grandeur, living in a time and place where living out such a fantasy was an excellent way to make it in society. All things considering, her barbarism was the troll way to be civilized back then, hence why it all played out so successfully. Many things could have contributed to her becoming who she did ( not that it ever justified the things she did), having once been rather close friends with many of the trolls in earlier sweeps, Cronus, Meenah and Horrus being among that group.
The Diary
(My analysis gathered from the given information / diary.)
❦ [If it is to 8e, she will never understand how thoroughly she was manipul8ed, her body her mind, her devotion.]
❦ Desperately tried to rekindle her and Dualscar's pitch feelings in anyway possible.
❦ Genuinely hated Dualscar; Genuinely fond of Dolorosa -- [Thus my heart was 8roken twice.]
❦ Dolorosa assassinated by Dualscar.
❦ [He is set on cowardice, deferring to others to settle his score. Doesn't he remem8er what he's confided? It would be easy to give the evidence to Her Imperious Condescension, and he would 8e killed quickly for his unthinka8le presumption. He's taken a gr8 risk har8oring red am8itions for an empress who will never even know his name. Not that I'll sink to his tactics.]
-I believed she respected him enough not to do ^^^^
❦ Dualscar reports info to the Highblood, thinking [inform8tion he'd guarded closely to protect ouronce mutually cherished rivalry], which she believed -- [Ah, the shortcomings I manage to overlook for the sake of a lover. ] Meaning trust in love blinded her.
❦ [Funny, I always imagined a grander entry in my journal for your demise, Dualscar. 8ut I should have realized you would die as you lived. A joke.] -- I don't think she means this. Maybe writes it down with bitterness and heartbreak, but also, someone else would eventually come across this diary and read it. She had an image to uphold.
❦ Enter Redglare, the Wildcard, as highbloods still decided that Mindfang was still a problem.
❦ Accepting the continuing bad luck, she embraced everything that was to come, thinking that the Neophyte had nothing on her.
The Marquise
❦ Although there are rumors that Neophyte Redglare (who is Terezi's ancestor) is quite talented, Mindfang isn't really worried.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~❦ The story continues straight away in Mindfang's trial.Redglare destroyed Mindfang's fleet, cut Mindfang's left arm, blinded her in her left eye thus preventing her from using her vision 8fold and successfully capturing her. Of course, Mindfang is the best so she got out of the situation without any problems. She mind-controlled the low-blooded audience to hang Redglare on the same rope that was intended for her leaving Mindfang to deal with His Honorable Tyranny, the judge.
Mindfang also writes that if Redglare didn't care so much about justice, they would've made a striking team or a lovely rival.❦ Mindfang won her battle with HHT saying that it was a fair fight only because she lacked an arm.-❦ More time later ❦-❦ Mindfang, now without her fleet and arm, searches for a refuge and decides to visit the Expatri8.
❦ The Expatri8 owes Mindfang because she supplied protection to him after what happened in the Sufferer's execution (he didn't kill the Disciple) so she got him to create a robotic arm for her. Mindfang also came there to get the orb he was keeping for her.❦ The orb is of course Doc Scratch's orb. Mindfang was once Scratch's protege but she stole the orb and left. She hid the oracle with the Expatri8 because it concealed its location (the Expatri8 presumably had void powers like Equius and Horuss).❦ She writes about the orb and how she used it to outsmart her opponents and also about her obsession with finding Pyralspite, the dragon that blinded her.❦ She then proceeds to talk about the time she asked the orb when she would die.❦ The Summoner was the one the orb revealed when Mindfang asked about her future matesprit.❦ From now on we can guess that in Mindfang's searches for the dragon she will meet the Summoner, become matesprits with him and they both will lead a rebellion against the higbloods under the sign of the Sufferer.❦ But there's a catch. The first time Mindfang heard about the Summoner, is the time she asked the orb who will kill her.❦ Mindfang ends her journal with writing about her regrets about the things she asked the orb and the things she didn't. She conceals the orb and the journal for her descendant, Vriska, to find.
The Now Now
Time spent in the dream bubbles have taken its toll on the Serket. Eons spent mostly to herself on the sea or seldom few times with the groups of various trolls with rich backgrounds and stories to tell, left her to think. A lot. She's come to regret a lot in her days of the living, pondering many things from what she did to the Dolorosa (This she thinks a lot on, wishing she could've taken it back.) Or how she could've done things differently with Dualscar, and what could've become or her and Redglare. Above all else, how she left the Summoner. All of her thoughts are extensively deconstructed, most of them are of what she did; more and more, guilt eats at her and jealousy arises.
Now, anymore, Marquise is indifferent, wistful and rather calm for a storm of a troll she used to be. Even going as far as to seek out the trolls she's wronged (if she can build the courage), seeking to genuinely apologize and come to peace with the guilt that's been eating her all these sweeps. All this doesn't go without saying that she's still very capable to put up a fight if need be; fighting was part of her, a secondhand nature that stuck with her even after the last rebellion that essentially ended her.
Occasionally the pirate will talk like she used to, still able to thrive off of being the center of attention when applicable, but more so now, she likes to listen to her fellow dead trolls, gaining knowledge and experience in a way she never did before, since she has plenty of time anymore.With the dream bubbles connected and growing even more vast over time, Marquise finds herself sailing and going on adventures, searching the land or books she comes across. The bars are a second favourite place to be found at, of course.
Another of the favourite things she's found was music, enjoying all the various genres the younger, new age trolls -- and even the humans -- have to offer.
Quadrant Related
Moirail ♢ - Cronus Ampora - Dualscar
Ironic how these two came to be, considering their past. While they mostly seemed to stay apart in the dream bubbles, they eventually began to confide in each other -- without the pitch feelings, ofc -- At least, Mindfang confided in him the most, her mind plagued by more sincere, remorseful thoughts now that she's had plenty of time to think. One would even say she's protective of him; which she is, most of all about him and Meenah, since she remembered how she treated him before death.
Quadrants will be filled according to chemistry.
** ⌧ My biggest no-no: Any Quadrants filled by Dolorosa. ⌧ **
♡ : Summoner, Redglare, Other Characters by way of Chemistry
♤ : Redglare, Other Characters by way of Chemistry
♧: Chemistry
❦ This is a rather complicated topic. ❦
Quadrants were a tricky thing to Mindfang, her kismiesissitude with Dualscar never really worked out in the end. Then there's the red feelings she began to feel for the Dolorosa, the slave she stole from Dualscar. I feel like she wasn't able to convey these feelings and she had to control the Dolorosa into doing what she wanted, she forced her to "love" her- I'm not sure Mindfang ever knew what this was until she meets the Summoner- which she foresaw in the orb.
Things worth Mentioning:
❦ Mindfang has a complete disregard for Social Order. The color of blood means Nothing to the Serket, whether it be who she kills, recruits, or even fancies. She loved what she did, taking and killing whoever she damn well pleased, depending on whether or not they had something she wanted.❦ She can Mind Control anyone on the spectrum except for (what it seems) Fuchsias - Piexes, Violets - Ampora and Indigos - Zahhak; This is unknown for sure, considering Purples - Makara (or at least Gamzee) was successfully mind controlled. It could even just be Seadwellers are unaffected by this ability; Serkets/Zahhaks had a good standing ground and she never used it on an Indigo.❦ Cerulean/Cobalt is the first rung of nobility.❦ It is suggested that cerulean blooded trolls are unlikely to develop psychic powers- Vriska Serket and post/pre scratch Aranea are exceptions to this. In fact, they seem to be very powerful psychics who are able to manipulate the minds of others to bend to their whim. All of them also have vision eightfold, allowing them to peer within the Magic Cue Ball to discover its secrets.